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Saturday, January 14, 2017

OPINIONS....are like assholes!!

Do you ever have an opinion but are afraid to voice it, in fear that friends or family will disagree with you? Disagreeing is okay and is expected some times, but often times, it gets emotional and that leads to arguments. Why is it, that some people can't discuss events, beliefs, or opinions without getting so angry? Is it how passionate someone is about the subject matter? Is it a superiority or inferiority complex that some people have?

How to start an argument online.......Post your opinion on either Religion, Abortion or Politics.....and wait!!

There was a woman on Facebook named Carla. We were friends due to the equal love of animals that we shared. Well, it comes to find out, that was the only thing we had in common. She started posting only hateful posts regarding the political party that she did NOT follow. It was constant, several a day, hateful posts, calling names to anyone that didn't have the same belief as her. She was belittling and forceful in her beliefs. If you didn't agree with her opinions, she had venom toward you. I kept quiet and didn't comment on her posts. I remained her friend on FB for quite awhile. Thinking she would never notice me gone, because she had hundreds of friends, I unfriended her.

After about a few months, she sent me a private message that read:

" I'm assuming you defriended me because I'm a conservative?"

OMG!! She noticed!! What now? Do I lie or tell the truth? Crap!

Okay, I decided to tell the truth but be very passive and non-confrontational about it. So this is how my response went! Mind you, this is about 4-5 years ago, when I didn't really associate with either party.

"Hi Carla,

First let me apologize. I didn't even think you would notice I was gone. Oops, I was wrong. :)

I respect that others have their own opinions and feelings. I refrain from posting mine, in a public forum, regarding the dreaded 3 which are, Abortion, Politics and Religion, as not to offend any of my friends. Everyone is so quick to attack over things they are very passionate about. I choose not to attack, but to keep my opinions to myself if I don't agree. (animals are a different story though.) ♥

I'm not a Democrat or a Republican. I can see good and bad in both. I think what happened was there were so many negative posts, one after another and a few in the end that I decided to remove them from my wall. I don't even remember what they were now, but they upset me (and my opinions) and I decided to unfriend you rather than fire back at you with my opinions. I refuse to argue with my acquaintances over 3 subject's that have no right or wrong. They are opinions that differ immensely. Again, I apologize for not being up front, but felt and feel that it may not have been taken in a positive way.

My daughters and I have been working on focusing on everything positive and have for a few years now. It's hard, as I was only brought up around negativity. It really brings me down and I can notice immediately when I say something negative. I post positive thoughts on my wall all the time, so I can share them with others.

On a more positive note, I have been transporting animals more and more and feel so good about it. We definitely have "animals" in common and I thank you for that!! I can tell you are very passionate in everything you do and  there is nothing wrong with that.

I am trying to focus on all of my relatives in Japan and all of those who have died and have lost everything. I am communicating with many over there and trying to offer my assistance in any way that I can. It is just so sad and heartbreaking. =(

You take care!
♥ Paula

So this was, I thought light and friendly and to the point. Do you agree?

Well, from that point on, if I commented on a mutual friends post, she would make comments against me like, "Oh there are people on here that only like you if you think the same as them!" Or worse, "there she is again, the one that unfriends you if she doesn't like what you say."

I think I blocked her from that point on, so she couldn't see when I posted anything. It was so embarrassing and my friends just ignored her ramblings.

These are the types of people that I don't care to be friends with, on Facebook or anywhere else, for that matter. So occasionally, I go on an unfriending spree and rid my Facebook of "these" types of people. Bye, Bye now!!

Toxic, toxic family!

You know when people say "Family is family and no matter what, you should always be there for them?" Or how about "Blood is thicker than water?" Or "You only have one family, forgive and forget?" Well, I beg to differ with them. If your family member is toxic and causes you grief, heartache and drama, I ask, why should anyone have to put up with that?

I had a very hard life, with twists and turns, stuff that was done to me that should never happen to anyone, stuff I've done that I am not proud of, fell down & picked myself up, and kept moving forward. Almost too much to bear and now at this stage of my life, I am not willing to suffer any longer at the hands of others. What happens to me or how I feel now, is all up to me. If I don't like the way I am feeling, I make the changes to feel differently, not anyone else.

A sister, my husband never knew he had!!

My husband received a private message through Facebook, out of the clear blue, from someone he did not know. He has a blog and apparently this "someone" found a picture when she googled her mothers name. She had never met her mother and was adopted at birth. The link associated with the picture took her to my husbands blog.

This was "his" mother, not "her" mother!! Wait, what? This was her mother and his mother? Well, after many emails back and forth with "Christine," they decided to meet to take a DNA test. Coincidence was that they both lived in CA and she only lived about 150 miles away. So off we went one day to meet for lunch. It was a nice meeting and a bitstrange that they were swabbing their mouths with these long q-tip looking swabs and sticking them in tubes to be shipped off for testing, in a restaurant!

After what seemed to be several years, but was really only about a few weeks, the results came back. Over 99% chance that they had the same mother!!! What? Pat is about 13 years older than her and was living with his mother at that age. He doesn't remember her being pregnant! Wait! How could that be? Well, it could be that he was already experimenting with drugs and doesn't remember. That must be it. So here we are, after 61 years of not knowing that he had a sister, here she is.

He has 3 brothers, all from different fathers but same mother, but never a sister!! A baby sister at that. They both served in the Marine Corp!!

They both grew up in Long Beach, CA. There are so many similarities, it's scary!

What a pleasant surprise and we couldn't be happier that we have a relationship with her and love her dearly. You never know what direction a life can take or what surprises lie in wait!! My heart is full!